Ruth Costers

Ruth Costers

Expertise : ergonomics

Dutch, English

Who am I?

There is a strong power in participatory action. The same thing applies if you want to improve ergonomics in a work environment. Getting people moving together works much better.

Industry, office, care or construction, etc. I find all sectors equally exciting.

In my projects, I aim to reduce absenteeism and increase productivity. Both workers and management have to feel comfortable in the workplace. I approach projects from a policy-based point of view and enjoy applying a multidisciplinary vision to my work.

I also enjoy exercise in my spare time. Spiced up with a touch of culture.

What you think is what you are. Humour is the sunshine in your head."


I focus on projects for the design, re-design and improvement of products and work environments. In doing so, I combine ergonomics and vitality. This makes it possible to tackle both the load and the capacity to handle that load, with emphasis on the physical, but also with an eye on the mental.

Processes for achieving improvement are based on in-depth analyses and measurement tests where appropriate. I then translate them into practical proposals and plans for improvement, purchasing advice and ongoing support for the in-house prevention adviser.

I also like to take a broad view of ergonomics. For instance, I have developed a multidisciplinary approach for ‘safety days’ in the construction industry that goes beyond conventional workshops. This approach can also be incorporated perfectly well into other sectors.


Ergonomics coordinator at Mensura
Since 2022

Vitality referent at Mensura
Since 2020

Prevention adviser ergonomics at Mensura
Since 2011

Staff officer at SVS
2010 – 2011

Education project coordinator at Schoolpoort VIGeZ
2007 – 2010

Education office at JCW
2002 – 2007

I like to work for associations and am an active member of:

  • BES  (Belgian Ergonomics Society)
  • VerV (Occupational Association for Ergonomics)
  • VerV’s care working group


I have a degree in physical education, focusing on sports management and teaching in education. The courses I have attended include:

  • Specialisation in ergonomics
  • Basic prevention adviser level 1
  • Basic health promotion
  • Interior design


The courses I present at Mensura Learn&Connect are workshops in the true sense of the word. You do theory with me, of course, but I also put you to work. Want to find out more about my practical interactive approach, tips and tricks? Enrol for ‘Homeworking and Working with a display screen’, ‘Lifting loads’, ‘Movement techniques for care workers’, ‘Ergodrive’ and ‘Wellbeing’.

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