Happy? You can be with these tips!

Most of us believe that happiness simply occurs and that some people are just luckier than others. Yet 40 per cent of your happiness is entirely within your own control. You can consciously control your thoughts and feelings to create your own path to happiness. So how do you get started?

“Happiness is a by-product of how you handle what comes your way. For me personally, it is being content with who you are and the situation you’re in,” said Marianne Van Hees, psychosocial prevention adviser at Mensura.

The malleability of happiness

“Did you know that the statement ‘not everyone can be equally happy’ is only partly true? In fact, research shows that 50 per cent of our sense of happiness is actually genetic. We call this factor the natural balance because it predicts the level of happiness that we always return to,” explained Marianne.

“For instance, when you luck into a windfall, it temporarily boosts your feeling of happiness. And you feel a lot less happy for some time after suffering a serious injury in an accident. But our natural balance restores itself every single time.”

Furthermore, circumstances only have a limited effect on how well we feel… just 10 per cent. “So wealth and physical attractiveness aren’t at all necessary to make you happy,” said Marianne.

We can influence the remaining 40 per cent all by ourselves. “Every day we have more than 6,000 thoughts that are either conscious or unconscious. In other words, our thoughts mostly determine how happy we feel. The more positive your thoughts, the greater your happiness.”

Four practical tips

“We often believe people are happier because they have good health, are surrounded by many friends and family, or are confident. But these factors can be both a cause and effect for our happiness. So focus on what makes you happy and the rest will follow naturally,” explained Marianne. Here are some practical tips:

  1. Show your gratitude
    Happiness and gratitude are very close to each other. We often miss the things that go well. But focusing on that can make a huge difference. “You will enjoy the positive events in life more and can cope better with stress and trauma. And a grateful mindset increases your self-esteem and self-confidence.”
  2. Set goals
    Research shows that striving to achieve a realistic goal is more important to your overall well-being than achieving that goal. “When we commit to something we care about, we experience a sense of control. This boosts our self-confidence and gives meaning to our daily lives.”
  3. Stop worrying
    ​“Worrying a lot pushes you into a negative spiral. You’re convinced by your gloomy thoughts, less focused and motivated, and take less initiative.” So free yourself from worrying with our three-step plan:
    • Let go of your thoughts. “When you notice you are worrying about something, realise that it is just a thought. What you think about is not necessarily actually true. Compare it to a neutral or positive thought.”
    • Avoid getting ‘stuck’ on it. But do take the initiative to solve the problems you are worried about. “Even taking a few small steps forward improves your mood and self-image.”
    • Distract yourself from worrying. “Do you realise you are fretting? Then let go of those thoughts by meditating or questioning them. What are you worrying about at this moment in time? Why? And will this matter at all next year?”
  4. Nurture social relationships
    Everyone wants to belong. A fundamental reason behind this is that social relationships make the good times better and the hard times bearable. “Be particularly mindful that this is why it is so important that you invest in positive relationships. Research shows that positive remarks and behaviours have a greater effect than negative attitudes. So celebrate each other’s successes, give each other compliments and constructive feedback, and make enough time for those important to you,” concluded Marianne.

Happy employees create a positive working atmosphere and reduce absenteeism. So optimal happiness offers benefits for both individuals and organisations. Take one of our workshops and discover the positive effect of mindfulness or increase your resilience.