Workplace ergonomics

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- Workplace ergonomics
A thorough analysis of workplace ergonomics and concrete tips and advice can significantly improve the working conditions for your employees, and their work output.
Ergonomic stress is often underestimated
Job duties resulting in physical stress, long-term use of computer screens, poorly designed machinery and equipment, repetitive movements… Irrespective of the type of work performed, poor ergonomics will lead to chronic physical stress and injuries, including:
- back pain
- neck and shoulder complaints
- wrist and elbow problems
In 34% of cases, prolonged worker absenteeism (> 1 month) is largely caused by poor ergonomics in the workplace.
Software can also cause ergonomic stress
Ergonomic stress is not limited to physical stress and injuries caused by a poorly designed work environment. Software can also lead to ergonomic stress. When software requires too many mouse clicks or causes employees to spend too much time looking or waiting for the right information, then this may lead to irritation or stress. Usability testing can help create software that is more logical, more efficient and easier to use.
Mensura will advise you
A thorough analysis of the ergonomics of workstations and production processes will quickly reveal bottlenecks. Based on these findings, we offer tailored advice and assistance in translating these findings into practical solutions.
- Quick wins are great, but remember to look at the whole picture
Preventing or eliminating ergonomic hazards requires a close-up look at all the elements causing ergonomic stress. Minor or acute problems can easily be rectified. However, major ergonomic issues usually require a project-based approach.
- Involve all relevant parties
In industrial work environments it is particularly important to examine and discuss the situation carefully in order to reach the best possible solution in terms of ergonomics. The experience and input from operators, production teams, maintenance staff, product designers and machine engineers are crucial in this process. Meetings with management are essential to review the feasibility of the advice received, to set priorities, and to translate the advice into concrete solutions.
- Proper communication and training will lead to maximum results.
- Look ahead to the future
Upgrading or designing a new work environment? From the moment you start drafting the plans, our ergonomic experts will be there to assist you. Making changes on paper is much more cost effective than making modifications during or after construction.
Workability cheques
Your company can receive a maximum of €10,000 in financial support for guidance to draw up a tailor-made workability plan and the actions that result from it, such as organising training.
Sole proprietorships, and even SMEs or large companies, are eligible. Your employer applies for the subsidy via the website of the European Social Fund (ESF).
More info >
Mensura offers all the expertise you need for an in-depth assessment of your workplace ergonomics. We will develop prevention measures to help optimise the work environment. Solutions include personalised interventions, such as for video display unit (VDU) workers or when reintegrating workers suffering from back problems.
An ergonomically sound and efficient work environment offers the following benefits:
- Reduced physical and mental stress
- Reduced risk of occupational injuries and long-term absences
- Improved productivity
- Improved corporate image
Mensura will train your employees
For maximum results, ensure that everyone within your organisation fully understands and correctly implements all the measures taken to improve workplace ergonomics. Mensura will guide you along the way.
Training courses on ergonomics
Training course: Ergonomics for video display unit workers